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THE COMPLETE LIST: Leroy Jethro Gibbs has rules that he enforces with everyone on his team, in 3x05 "Switch" he told Ziva that there are approximately fifty rules. However, not all of the rules have been revealed. Here are the rules that have been revealed so far:
Rule #1: Never let suspects stay together.
(Franks) 1x01 'Yankee White'
Rule #1: Never screw over your partner. 4x14 'Blowback'
Rule #2: Always wear gloves at a crime scene.
(Franks) 1x01 'Yankee White'
Rule #3: Don't believe what you're told. Double check.
(Franks) 1x01 'Yankee White'
Rule #3: Never be unreachable. 3x13 'Deception'
Rule #4: The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself.Second best? Tell one other person - if you must.There is no third best. 4x11 'Blowback'
Rule #5: You don't waste good. (…"You're Good" Gibbs says to DiNozzo) 8x22 'Baltimore'
Rule #6: Never apologize — Its a sign of weakness.
A rule used more often than the others, but finally given a number in 7x12 'Flesh and Blood' during a great Gibbs/DiNozzo moment. The first person to use that phrase was John Wayne in, "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon." "Never apologize, mister, it. It's a sign of weakness." — In the episode 3x23 'Hiatus Part-1' DiNozzo explains to NCIS Director, Jenny Shepard, that Gibbs took this one from "The Duke himself."
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